
Agentic Flows

Text Embedding


Manage Models

Model Info

API Reference

Structured Response

You can enforce a particular response format from an LLM by providing a schema (JSON or zod) to the .respond() method. This guarantees that the model's output conforms to the schema you provide.

Enforce Using a zod Schema

If you wish the model to generate JSON that satisfies a given schema, it is recommended to provide the schema using zod. When a zod schema is provided, the prediction result will contain an extra field parsed, which contains parsed, validated, and typed result.

Define a zod Schema

import { z } from "zod";

// A zod schema for a book
const bookSchema = z.object({
  title: z.string(),
  author: z.string(),
  year: z.number().int(),

Generate a Structured Response

const result = await model.respond("Tell me about The Hobbit.",
  { structured: bookSchema },
  maxTokens: 100, // Recommended to avoid getting stuck

const book = result.parsed;;
//           ^
// Note that `book` is now correctly typed as { title: string, author: string, year: number }

Enforce Using a JSON Schema

You can also enforce a structured response using a JSON schema.

Define a JSON Schema

// A JSON schema for a book
const schema = {
  type: "object",
  properties: {
    title: { type: "string" },
    author: { type: "string" },
    year: { type: "integer" },
  required: ["title", "author", "year"],

Generate a Structured Response

const result = await model.respond("Tell me about The Hobbit.", {
  structured: {
    type: "json",
    jsonSchema: schema,
  maxTokens: 100, // Recommended to avoid getting stuck

const book = JSON.parse(result.content);;
Heads Up

Structured generation works by constraining the model to only generate tokens that conform to the provided schema. This ensures valid output in normal cases, but comes with two important limitations:

  • Models (especially smaller ones) may occasionally get stuck in an unclosed structure (like an open bracket), when they "forget" they are in such structure and cannot stop due to schema requirements. Thus, it is recommended to always include a maxTokens parameter to prevent infinite generation.

  • Schema compliance is only guaranteed for complete, successful generations. If generation is interrupted (by cancellation, reaching the maxTokens limit, or other reasons), the output will likely violate the schema. With zod schema input, this will raise an error; with JSON schema, you'll receive an invalid string that doesn't satisfy schema.