lms get
The lms get
command allows you to search and download models from online repositories. If no model is specified, it shows staff-picked recommendations.
Models you download via lms get
will be stored in your LM Studio model directory.
[search term] (optional) : string
The model to download. For specific quantizations, append '@' (e.g., 'llama-3.1-8b@q4_k_m')
--mlx (optional) : flag
Include MLX models in search results
--gguf (optional) : flag
Include GGUF models in search results
--limit (optional) : number
Limit the number of model options shown
--always-show-all-results (optional) : flag
Always show search results, even with exact matches
--always-show-download-options (optional) : flag
Always show quantization options, even with exact matches
--yes (optional) : flag
Skip all confirmations. Uses first match and recommended quantization
Download a model by name:
lms get llama-3.1-8b
Download a specific model quantization:
lms get llama-3.1-8b@q4_k_m
Show only MLX or GGUF models:
lms get --mlx lms get --gguf
Limit the number of results:
lms get --limit 5
Always show all options:
lms get --always-show-all-results lms get --always-show-download-options
For scripting, skip all prompts:
lms get llama-3.1-8b --yes
This will automatically select the first matching model and recommended quantization for your hardware.