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Use Llama 3 in LM Studio

LM Studio Team

Llama 3 by MetaAI

MetaAI released the next generation of their Llama models, Llama 3.

You can run Llama 3 in LM Studio, either using a chat interface or via a local LLM API server.

Llama 3 comes in two sizes: 8B and 70B and in two different variants: base and instruct fine-tuned.

NameVariantHow to use in LM Studio
Meta-Llama-3-8BBaseSwitch to the Blank Preset in LM Studio and utilize prompt engineering techniques such as 'few-shot prompting' and 'in-context learning'
Meta-Llama-3-8B-InstructInstructUse the Llama 3 Preset. This variant is expected to be able to follow instructions and be conversational.

Download and run Llama 3

  • Search for lmstudio-community/llama-3 using the in-app search page.
  • Choose a download option from the search results.

To use MetaAI's Llama 3 in LM Studio, download or update to LM Studio 0.2.20 or later.

Download LM Studio from the LM Studio website.